一、项目概况 Project Brief:
INVTSTA Nylon 6,6 Phase III Project Temporary Construction Facilities work, locates at No.88, Tianhua Road, Jinshan District, north to Pugong Road, and Tianhua Road in the middle. The Temporary Construction Facilities work divided into two parts, the temporary facility part and the permanent part. The permanent part locates in Block C4-2b, and the temporary facility part locates in Block B4-b. Since the two parts are independent blocks, so the construction work will also divided into two construction zones, which are C4-2b and B4-b. The scope of work for C4-2b Block includes: rain water pipe, temporary road (base for permanent road), pre-bury pipe, temporary toilet, temporary guardhouse, fence, truck wash station, portable water supply system, industrial water supply system, temporary power supply, site CCTV system and WIFI system, etc. The scope of work for B4-b Block includes: site leveling, temporary road, temporary office buildings, temporary warehouse buildings, welding test shed, clinic room, temporary guardhouse, temporary toilet, temporary fence and gate, temporary water supply, temporary power supply, site door security system, CCTV system, and IT system, etc.
二、项目组织架构 Project Organization:
In order to execute this project, we will mobilize our most skillful project management team: Mr. Li Hui will be the project sponsor, who control the project in general and provide supports from company level; Site Management team: Mr. Zhu Xien as the Project Manager, Mr. Huang Yongsheng as the Construction Manager, Mr. Liu Ningjie as the Construction Manager / Technical Manager, Mr. Cai Weibiao as the MEP Manager, Mr. Chen Hao as the HSE Manager, Mr. Sun Xiaoli as the Quality Manager, Mr. Li Zhong as the Procurement Manager. All site management team members will be full time on site during the project execution period.
三、总体执行构想与施工流程 General execution concept and construction procedure:
The Temporary Construction Facilities work is planned to start on Feb.05, 2020, and complete by Jul.31, 2020. The total construction duration will be 178 days.
Block C4-2b: rain water pipe, temporary road (base for permanent road), pre-bury pipe, temporary fence, temporary toilet, temporary guardhouse, temporary power supply, truck wash station, portable water supply system, industrial water supply system, site CCTV system / WIFI system / door security system, etc.
Block B4-b: site leveling, parking area, welding test shed, clinic room, temporary fence, office area, warehouse area road, warehouse lay-down area, site road, 1# and 4# office building, 5# and 6# office building, 2# and 3# office building, 1# and 5# warehouse building, 1# and 2# toilet, guardhouse, temporary power supply, temporary water supply, site CCTV system / WIFI system / door security system, etc.
四、临时设施布置 Temporary facilities:
The entrance at Tianhua Road will be constructed first, connect the site to Tianhua Road, build the guardhouse and door security system. Use the parking area space where is east to clinic room in Block B4-b as the temporary facility area, which will be recovered after project completion. The temporary facility area will include: fabrication yard, temporary office, temporary toilet, etc. The temporary office will be the container type by rental; the fabrication yard and temporary fence will be built with steel panel; The temporary toilet will be the moveable toilet; The dormitory will be outside of the site; Truck crane will be mobilized for material delivery and vertical lifting; The temporary water supply will be connected from the assigned connection point; The temporary power will come from generator.
五、施工计划Construction plan:
The whole construction work will be divided into two Blocks: the temporary road will be the critical path in Block C4-2b, while the temporary office building and temporary warehouse building will be the critical path in Block B4-b. Also, the power supply system for whole site will be the key work of this project, and we will target to energize the power according the scheduled milestone Jun.30, 2020. The whole Temporary Construction Facilities work will be completed by Jul.31, 2020, 178 days in total.
Main schedule for Block C4-2b:
优先施工雨水管道,完成一定工作量后,于2020年2月21日开始施工临时道路及预埋管道,其中1#、3#、4#、7#、8#、9#、10#临时道路2020年4月20日完成;2#、5#、6#、11#临时道路2020年5月18日完成;12#、13#临时道路2020年6月15日完成。现场临时围墙设单独的施工班组于2020年2月18日开始施工, 北侧围墙 西侧围墙,基础开挖、浇筑基础、围墙安装,流水作业2020年4月16日完成;2个临时厕所安排在2020年3月22日开始施工,2020年4月25日完成;2个箱变2020年5月19日开始施工,2020年6月30日完成施工。
The rain water pipe will be constructed first. After a certain quantity completed, the temporary road and pre-bury pipe will be started from Feb.21, 2020. In which, the 1#, 3#, 4#, 7#, 8#, 9#, 10# temporary road will be completed by Apr.20, 2020. 2#, 5#, 6#, 11# temporary road will be completed by May.18, 2020. And 12#, 13# temporary road will be completed by Jun.15, 2020. An independent working shift will be assigned for site temporary fence construction starting from Feb.18, 2020. The construction sequence will be north fence west fence, foundation excavation, foundation concrete pouring, and fence installation. This fence work will be completed by Apr.16, 2020. The two temporary toilet construction will start from Mar.22, 2020, and complete by Apr.25, 2020. The two transformers installation will start from May.19, 2020, and complete by Jun.30, 2020.
Main schedule for Block B4-b
人员、机具进场后首先对整个场地进行清表平整、外运,计划2020年2月13日开始施工,2020年2月26日完成场地平整工作,施工停车场区域,2020年2月20日开始施工,2020年2月26日完成;办公区场地2020年2月29日开始施工,2020年3月19日完成;通仓库区道路2020年3月20日开始施工,2020年4月7日完成;1#~6#办公室单体2020年3月20日开始施工,2020年5月24日完成;1#~5#仓库单体2020年4月8日开始施工,2020年7月6日完成;临时围墙设单独的施工班组于2020年3月3日开始施工, 场界围墙仓库区围墙
After manpower and construction equipment mobilization, the site leveling and waste soil transportation will be executed first, this work will start from Feb.13, 2020 and complete by Feb.26, 2020. The parking area construction will start from Feb.20, 2020 and complete by Feb.26, 2020. The office area construction will start from Feb.29, 2020 and complete by Mar.19, 2020. The warehouse area road construction will start from Mar.20, 2020 and complete by Apr.07, 2020. The 1# ~ 6# office buildings construction will start from Mar.20, 2020 and complete by May.24, 2020. The 1# ~ 5# warehouse buildings construction will start from Apr.08, 2020 and complete by Jul.06, 2020. An independent working shift will be assigned for temporary fence construction starting from Mar.03, 2020. The construction sequence will be site boundary fence warehouse area fence
office area fence, foundation excavation, foundation concrete pouring, and fence installation. This fence work will be completed by May.02, 2020. The two transformers installation will start from May.10, 2020, and complete by Jun.21, 2020.
The ELV work for whole site will start from Jul.01, 2020, and complete by Jul.21, 2020.
六、本工程施工重点和难点 Difficulties and keys to the project:
1、分区域段施工 Work in different zones
根据总体施工计划安排, 分为C4-2b区域工作面和B4-b区域工作面, C4-2b区域为未来三期项目区域,此区域的临时道路的完成节点直接影响后续工作的顺利进行;B4-b区域新建的临时设施为C4-2b地块的配套工程,主要提供项目建设期间的临时办公、临时仓储、临时厕所、临时加工场、临时堆场、临时供水供电等服务功能。两区域同时施工,未来独立的施工班组较多,作业面多而且较分散,这就需要加强现场的施工管理,确保按计划完成各个里程碑任务。
According to general construction schedule, the whole site will be divided into Block C4-2b and Block B4-b. Since the Block C4-2b will be the Phase III Project construction area, so the milestone of temporary road completion will directly impact the future works. The temporary facilities built in Block B4-b is to support the Block C4-2b construction, which provides the temporary office, temporary warehouse, temporary toilet, temporary fabrication yard, temporary lay-down area, temporary power and water supply during the project construction phase. Since the construction work in two Blocks will start at the same time, there will be many working shifts in such big area, so site management methods must be enforced to guarantee the key milestones.
2、多专业施工协调配合 Co-ordination in between multi-function works
The scope of work includes the temporary facilities installation and permanent road base construction, which involves all function works such as architecture, structure, HVAC, plumbing, electrical power, ELV, etc. In order to reach the target milestone, a reasonable and scientific construction organization will be the key method. Our project management team will carefully organize, work in sequence, and consider different elevations, in order to have all construction workers mobilized in time, have enough construction space, and ensure plenty of construction material supply, temporary power and water supply. All involved function workers will be orderly worked on site.