

2021-05-12 17:37:29
来源: 互联网整理,仅供参考

The outline of BZEX platform video propaganda film

Subtitles in green





The world's leading digital asset trading service platform




2、Introduction to Platform 平台简介

BZEX 注册于开曼群岛,是一家全球化数字资产交易服务平台,致力于为全球用户提供安全、稳定、便捷的数字资产交易及增值服务。

BZEX is the world’s leading digital asset trading service platform which was registered in the Cayman Islands and committed to providing safe, stable and convenient digital asset trading and value-added services for global users.

依托强大的技术团队、全球区块链研究专家、国际化运营团队、全球知名风控专家等业内顶尖人才,BZEX 平台为全球用户带来高性能、高效率、高安全的极佳交易体验,为项目方提供专业、优质的交易服务

BZEX platform provide excellent trading experience of high performance, high efficiency and high security to global users, and professional and high-quality trading services to item sides in line with strong technical team, experts on global block chain research, international operation team, world-renowned risk control experts and other top talents.

BZEX 开设的创新孵化区可为中小企业提供链改服务,助力区块链初创企业不断成长; BZEX 坚守科技改善生活理念,坚信区块链未来发展潜力,坚持国际视野服务全球用户。

The hatchery area for innovation which is established by BZEX can provide medium-sized and small enterprises with chain modification service and boost block chain start-ups to grow.

BZEX 坚守科技改善生活理念,坚信区块链未来发展潜力,坚持国际视野服务全球用户。

BZEX persists on the concept of technology can improve life, development potential of block chain and serving global users from international vision

3、Achievements 发展成就


Subtitle: Growth originates from incessant struggle and considerate service.

BZEX 是全球领先的数字资产金融服务商,以“让数字资产实现价值流通”为使命,秉承“用户至上” 的服务理念,致力于为全球用户提供安全、专业、诚信、优质的服务。

BZEX is the world's leading digital asset financial service provider and committed to providing safe, professional, honest and high-quality services for global users under the mission of "let digital assets realize value circulation" and the service concept of "user first". It is one of the largest digital asset trading platforms with more than $10 billion accumulated volume of trading  since it was established in 2017.

目前,平台已投资 10 余家上下游产业链企业,现已完成对新加坡、美国、日本、韩国、香港、台湾、泰国等多个国家及地区合规服务团队的建立,为全球超过100个国家的数百万用户提供安全、可信赖的数字资产交易及资产管理服务。

It has invested more than 10 upstream and downstream industrial chain enterprises, and completed the establishment of service teams in Singapore, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and other regions, which provides secure and reliable digital asset trading and asset management services to millions of users in more than 100 countries around the world.

4、Fusion Trade 聚变交易


Subtitle: Innovation is based on strict requirements and mission guarantee.

聚变交易在 2019 年首创核心公平交易法则,运用强化的区块链技术和创新应用,颠覆区块链行业目前遇到的瓶颈现状,实现突破性的发展。BZEX致力让用户、交易所及项目方互利共赢,合力共振,为币圈社群提供一个安全,稳定,公正,活跃的良性市场环境。

Fusion trade which pioneered the core fair trade law in 2019 uses enhanced block chain technology and innovative applications to subvert the current bottleneck situation in the block chain industry and achieve breakthrough development. BZEX is committed to ensuring the mutual benefit of users, exchanges and item sides, and providing a safe, stable, fair and active market environment for the currency community.



● Advantages of fusion trade

BZEX Fusion trade rules of international digital asset trading platform is the latest free circulation value transaction to use transaction release mode in which the currency price will be opened at more than times. Each user participates in the transaction spontaneously and enthusiastically with the liquidity increases. The institutional consensus of mutual benefit of users, exchanges and item sides ensures sufficient trading depth, reduces the risk of user positions and makes the trading market develop healthily and stably.

5、Platform Ecology平台生态


Subtitle: An all-win result comes from continuous innovation and cooperative work.

● 寻求全球合作伙伴携手共赢

BZEX 平台推出全球合伙人计划和金牌合伙人计划,其享有快速推荐上币通道、持仓奖励、交易手续费返佣、资格转让等核心功能,与平台携手共赢,共享平台行业红利。

● Seeking global partners for win-win cooperation

BZEX platform launches global plan and gold partner plan. Its core functions include fast recommendation of currency channel, position reward, transaction fee rebate, qualification transfer, etc. You can realize a win -win result with the platform and share its dividend.

● 助力初创企业不断成长

BZEX 创新孵化区为中小企业、小微企业、优质创新项目提供链改服务,帮助每一位参与者实现自由发布、存储、拥有数据,参与即可拥有通证,从而定义价值、变现价值、实现价值最大化。

●Boosting start-ups to grow constantly

BZEX The hatchery area for innovation provide chain reform services for small and medium-sized, micro enterprises and high-quality innovation projects and help

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