

2021-05-14 09:55:59
来源: 互联网整理,仅供参考

大农科技 浙江科技公司 英语配音

创新推动发展,科技赋能未来。Innovation promotes development, technology empowers the future.

无处不在的自动化,正不断的提升生产效率,创造美好生活。The ubiquitous automation is constantly improving production efficiency and creating a better life.

浙江xxx,专注高压水射流,用科技发现城市之美。Zhejiang xxx, focusing on high-pressure water jetting, uses technology to discover the beauty of the city.

xxx成立于1993年,在清洗与植保机械行业已深耕26年。Founded in 1993, xxx has been in the high pressure cleaning and plant protection machinery industry for over 26 years. 多年努力,厚积薄发。如今已成为一家集民用、商用、工业为一体的综合清洁装备制造商。After years of hard work, spur with long accumulation, Danau becomes a comprehensive cleaning equipment manufacturer for consumer, commercial and industrial lines.公司目前拥有两大厂区,总占地面积110000平方米,拥有员工超600名。The company has two major factories, with a total cover area of 110,000 square meters and more than 600 employees.凭借强大的实力,大农始终走在行业前列,广受赞誉以及好评。With its strong strength, DANAU has always been at the forefront of the industry and has been widely praised

科技实现价值,创新成就领先 。Technology realizes value and innovation leads future。 大农秉承“创新产品、拓展市场、造福人类”的宗旨,致力于提升企业的生产力水平。DANAU always uphold to the tenet of “innovating products, expanding markets, and benefiting humans” and commit to improving the productivity. 公司先后荣获了国家高新技术企业、国家火炬计划、浙江省名牌产品、浙江省企业研究院、欧盟CE认证等一系列荣誉。The company has won a number of honors such as the National High-tech Enterprise, the National Torch Plan, Zhejiang Famous Brand Products, Zhejiang Enterprise Research Institute, and CE Certifications. 同时公司聚焦了一批资深技术人才,他们对产品创新的极致追求,造就了大农高压清洗机的不断迭代。At the same time, the company collects a group of senior technical talents,

their ultimate pursuit of product innovation, resulting in the continuous updating of DANAU’s high pressure washer.

公司全面实施精益生产模式,并配备来自美国HAAS,日本MAZAK,日本津上,韩国斗山等先进装备,搭建覆盖生产全程的完善设备布局。The company fully implements the lean production mode, and equipped with the advanced equipment such as HAAS from the United States, MAZAK from Japan, Tsugami from Japan, Doosan from Korea, etc. That setting up a perfect equipment layout covering the whole production process.设备的自动化、半自动化率超过95%,加工能力涵盖铝合金、铜合金及多种高强度不锈钢。The automation and semi-automation rate of the equipment exceeds 95%, and the processing capability covers aluminum alloy, brass and various high-strength stainless steel. 我们用实际能力践行着对客户的承诺,投资1000多万引进环保节能型氧化酸洗线。We use our practical ability to fulfill our commitment to our customers, we invest more than 10 million RMB to introduce environmentally friendly and energy-saving automatic anodizing line. 实现标准化规模化生产,从根本上保证了产品品质以及生产效率。 Realizing the standardized and large-scale production that fundamentally guarantees the product quality and production efficiency.

工专一行造精机,匠用恒心织神器。The engineer concentrating in one industry and made a fine machine, the craftsman use the constant heart to weave the artifact. xxx精心雕琢每一个细微环节,诠释工匠精神。xxx carefully crafts every detail to interpret the craftsmanship绝大多数部件、核心部件,从毛坯到成品实现了一件流,部件的精加工自制率超过85%。Most of the components and core components have realized a piece flow from the blank to the finished product, and self-made rate is over 85%. 卓越品质,由内而生,内外如一。Excellent quality, born from the inside, and appear outward. 每台精工制造的清洗机,都彰显着大农的理念以及追求。Every well-made pressure washer highlights the concept and pursuit of DANAU.

我们时刻保持着高度的社会责任感与历史使命感,融合科技的先锐与制造的匠心,不断追寻着属于清洗行业的制造高地。We always maintain a high sense of social responsibility and historical mission, to combine the advanced technology and manufacturing Ingenuity, and constantly pursuing the manufacturing highlands of the high pressure cleaning industry. 着眼于先,每年推出不同新品,以满足市场发展需求。Focus on the opportunities, launch new products every year to meet the market development needs.

同时,xxx建立了一套完善的质检体系,全流程严格把控产品质量,产品优良率长期保持在95%以上。Meanwhile, xxx has established a complete quality inspection system, the whole process strictly controls the quality of products, and the product qualification rate

has remained above 95% constantly 我们用严谨与专注,创造精品,以品质回馈市场。We use rigor and concentration to create products and give back to the market with high quality.

通过不断努力,xxx已与国内多家著名环卫主机厂建立了长期合作,Through continuous efforts, xxx has established long-term cooperation with many famous domestic sanitation manufacturers. 产品配套应用于市政环卫、海事、石油、化工、畜牧、采掘等多个领域,

The products are used in municipal sanitation, marine, petroleum, chemical, animal husbandry, mining and more other fields.


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